Menstruality & Menopause


 Menstrual Cycle Awareness, charting and observing signs and symptoms gives us knowledge about our bodies to make important health decisions. Our menstrual cycles are our fifth vital sign – they indicate health or an underlying health problem. Significant cycle disruptions show up when health issues are present. Body literacy is empowering  whether you are charting for health or contraception

“I really believe, understanding the menstrual cycle is a missing key in the wellbeing and creative output of women.” – Claire Baker

“How you bleed sets the tone for your whole cycle, discover the magic of your menstrual cycle and awaken the feminine path to power.”- Wild Power

“The pill does not regulate hormones. It switches them off entirely.” -Laura Briden


Cycle health doesn’t end at menopause. Hormones continue to cycle with circadian rhythm – the day and night earth cycles. Hormone health is critical for bone density, cardiovascular health and blood sugar balance.

It all begins with

  • adequade sleep
  • good nutrition
  • supportive lifestyle 

Symptoms like 

  • hot flashes
  • insomnia
  • brain fog

Indicate imbalance and possible health risk

Many symptoms are temporary

in just a few weeks you can turn around your symptoms
get a good night’s sleep and
achieve your longterm goals



Note: Menstruality is a term coined by Jane Catherine Severn, pointing to a woman’s Inner Intelligence or organising principle that is working her from her first bleed at menarche, throughout her menstruating years and menopause and into her post-menopause years. It is leading her Home to Herself.

Menstruality is an initiatory journey to power (a process of maturation): a psychological death and rebirth process that unfolds over each menstrual month leading to ever more expanded levels of consciousness. Menstruality is the knowledge, knowing and consciousness that accumulates in a woman through the lived experience of this repeated initiation, month after month; and what she simultaneously generates in her community. -from Red School

Poppy – © by the ink – Cécile Ollichon