Menstrual & Cyclical Awareness

Start to discover the seasons of your cycle for more clarity, ease and flow.

Menstrual Cycle Awareness is a practice of re-weaving our bodies back into cycles by discovering our own natural rhythm. By charting and observing how our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self is influenced by our cycle, we find autonomy and sovereignty. From puberty through menopause, our bodies are cycling in our ovulation-menstruation continuum. This pattern repeats over decades with each cycle being unique and each life stage bringing changes over time. Charting is a way to affirm our sacred connection to ourselves and the Earth. Our bodies cycle similar to the moon and the seasons. Energy increases and decreases much like the moon waxes and wanes.

Shekhinah Mountainwater’s Moonwheel

Charting Your Cycle

Your Menstrual or Ovulation cycle begins each month on the first day of bleeding (not spotting). The first day of bleeding is charted as day 1. Record physical symptoms (PMS, headache, pain, bloating, cramps), health conditions (illness, specific health conditions), changes to routine (travel, lack of sleep, alcohol), medications, and energy level – basically, your physical and mental/emotional health.  Chart using a Menstrual Cycle Wheel, for at least three cycles and analyze all three charts looking for patterns.

Our cycling takes place through Four Phases

and can be compared to the

Four Seasons

                The Four Phases                



Phase 4 – Menstruation (3-7 days)

Winter is the time of  our wise one who is the source of our dreams. It is our resting and releasing season , our Menstrual Phase, which is the end of our ovulation cycle. Now we hibernate and dream, slow down, rest and experience our mystery – one who bleeds and doesn’t die. We are on our own unique quest to receive wisdom. 


Phase 1 -Follicular Phase (7-10 days)

Spring is the time of possibility and new beginnings. It is our growth season,  our Follicular Phase which comes right after menstruation. It is our Pre-ovulatory Phase. We feel energy building, we’re self confident, adventurous, rebellious, at times we feel vulnerable. Our energy is newness and the brightness of joy. 


Phase 2 – Ovulation (3-4 days)

Summer is the blossoming of our creativity. It is our enjoyment season,  our Ovulation Phase which comes after the follicular phase. We are at our peak, of beauty and abundance, passionately creating and  nurturing all we are responsible for with our heart and womb. 


Phase 3 – Luteal Phase (10-14 days)

Fall is the time of  our wild, magical self who finds power in darkness. It is our magical season, our Luteal Phase which comes after ovulation. Our energy is waning although we are in our power element, lucid dreams, intuitions, burst of genius and wisdom are ours. This is our pre-menstrual stage of descending into ourselves, entering our inner darkness. Now we are preparing to let go and release in our next phase and self care and nourishment are important. Saying NO and taking time for our inner wisdom to emerge is part of our harvest. 

For those who don’t bleed or are in premenopause

Moon Schedule from Ariadne’s Thread by Shekhinah Mountainwater

The Moon & Cyclical Awareness

The Season of the Wise One

Keeper of inner wisdom

We are cyclical beings and following the cycles of the sun, earth and moon are a good way to get in sync with  these energies. The Moon cycles each month with energy that is increasing and decreasing, waxing and waning. We too can observe these patterns as we watch the moon in the sky. Moon’s phases are similar to the seasonal energies so the seasonal framework, setting intentions, charting signs and symptoms for health, emotions, energy levels, etc. are good here to understand patterns and work with them.

Menopause and post menopause is a powerful time of re-connecting with our dreams and visions and living the dream of the powerful wise one who represents freedom. Charting at this time follows the moon cycles of waxing and waning and the inner seasons, the four phases. Beginning each month at the new moon our inner winter phase, we set intentions that will be fulfilled around the time of the full moon our inner summer phase. We can utilize the inner seasons as a framework for our charting with moon phases , archetypes and creative energies felt in each phase.  If interested moon astrology for the monthly cycle with intentions and affirmations can be included.

Work with me includes charting instruction, handouts and suggestions for hormonal self care.
If you want to learn menstrual cycle awareness or cyclical awareness and work with your cycle instead of against it……

Work with me!