
Hi, I’m Carmen Reyes, cycle coach, natural fertility teacher (FAM), herbalist and women’s health coach.

I teach body literacy and the spiritual practice of menstruation as taught by Jane Hardwicke Collings. Women work with the seasons of their cycle for empowerment and connection to earth rhythms. They experience cycles within cycles of the sun, moon, and earth each month. As the moon waxes and wanes, the menstrual cycle also brings changeable levels of energy. There are times in our cycle that we feel our best and other times when we need to rest. Our culture asks that we show up the same way each day but that isn’t how our bodies work. We can work with our cycle instead of against it by dropping into each phase and giving our body what it needs. Charting helps identify patterns and notice differences from one week to another.

School education teaches anatomy and physiology but fails to teach how to apply this knowledge to our unique cycle in a meaningful way.

For those who want to go deeper into the phases of their menstrual cycle and know what actually happens from bleed to bleed, body literacy explains that. Natural fertility (FAM) helps you identify your fertile window, the time in your cycle when conception is possible. Ovulation is a vital sign that indicates hormonal and overall health for your body.

You only ovulate once in a month and your egg can only live for 12 – 24 hours.

By identifying your fertile window, you will know when and if you ovulate and can also avoid pregnancy with no negative side effects.

With natural fertility, contraception is in your own hands. You are the only one who gets to have a say with what happens with your body and your birth control.

I found FAM (fertility awareness method) right out of high school on a hippie commune in Illinois with a book called  “A Cooperative Method of Natural Birth Control” by Margaret Nofziger. Natural fertility was my method of birth control for 50 some years. Nowaday, people start their journey with FAM using “TCOYF Take Charge of Your Fertility” by Toni Weschler.

I teach the FEMM Symptohormonal method of cervical mucus and LH testing and the Symptopro symptothermal method.

Working with me could include menstrual awareness, or cycle charting for health, contraception or conception, self care and nutrition for hormone health.

I can help you connect with your cycles, find answers to your cycle questions, ease and turn around symptoms and support your overall wellness.

I offer private and group coaching in menstrual awareness, fertility awareness and a combination of both, online and in Montpelier, Vermont at the Grian Herbs Apothecary where I currently work in a family business as an apothecary herbalist.

Billings Ovulation Method Educator, 2023

Cycle Coach School, Claire Baker, 2022

FEMM and teenFEMM Fertility Awareness Educator, 2023

Fertility Knowledge Collective, 2023

First Moon Circle Facilitator, Charlotte Pointeaux, 2023

Herbal Academy, Intermediate Herbal Course, 2022

Herbalist at the Grian Herbs Apothecary, since 2016

Herbal Medicine for Women, Dr. Aviva Romm, 2023

IIN Integrated Nutrition Health & Hormone Coach, INHC, 2023

Institute for Menstrual Health, Women’s Hormone Health Certification Program, IMHC, Nicole Jardim, 2024

Licensed Restart Instructor 2024

Period Coach, Period Coaching School, Stasha Washburn, 2022